Redken boasts more than a half-century of expertise in products (colouring, hair, styling) for hairstyling professionals. This line strikes the perfect balance between solid scientific innovations, the inspiration of renowned specialists and an exceptional flair for new trends.
09n cafe au lait gloss 60ml ....
09na mist gloss 60ml ....
09nb irish creme gloss 60ml ....
09nw cream soda gloss 60ml ....
09p opal glow gloss 60ml ....
09rb blush gloss 60ml ....
09t chrome gloss 60ml ....
09v platinum ice gloss 60ml ....
09vro rose gloss 60ml ....
010gi tahitian sand gloss 60ml ....
010n delicate natural shades gloss 60ml ....
010p ivory pearl gloss 60ml ....
010t platinum gloss 60ml ....
010vv lavender ice shades gloss 60ml ....
000 crystal clear 500ml ....
000 crystal clear litre ....
pastel aqua blue seq 60ml ....
orange kicker gloss 60ml ....
pastel pink seq 60ml ....
pastel peach seq 60ml ....
pastel silver green seq 60ml ....
red kicker gloss 60ml ....
violet kicker gloss 60ml ....
yellow kicker gloss 60ml ....
processing solution 1000ml ....
processing solution 237ml ....
6n neutral fusion 60ml ....
6r red fusion 60ml ....
6rr red red fusion 60ml ....
6rv carmin r red violet fusion 60ml ....
7ag ash green fusion 60ml ....
7av ash violet fusion 60ml ....
7bc brown copper fusion 60ml ....
7cc copper copper rubilane fusion 60ml ....
7cr copper red fusion 60ml ....
7gb gold beige fusion 60ml ....
7gc gold copper rubilane fusion 60ml ....
7gg gold gold fusion 60ml ....
7go gold orange fusion 60ml ....
7n neutral fusion 60ml ....
7r red fusion 60ml ....
8ab ash blue fusion 60ml ....
8ag ash green fusion 60ml ....
8gb gold beige fusion 60ml ....
8gr gold red fusion 60ml ....
8n neutral fusion 60ml ....
8t titanium fusion 60ml ....
9av ash violet fusion 60ml ....
9gb gold beige fusion 60ml ....
9n neutral fusion 60ml ....